April 11, 2005

Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill rubberstamped by the Commons

Spy Blog Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill rubberstamped by the Commons, meaning amoungst other things the creation of a personal police force reporting directly to the Home Secretary, and stopping of protests near Parliment square. This can been seen in a way as a victory to the dedication of the lone protester who's constant vigil about Iraq War 2 lead directly to this draconian crap peice of legislation, showing the contempt that New Labour hold the electorate. Peaceful protest all you like, so long as nobody can see you, as that might reflect badly on the Tyrant Blair.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loads of MPs wanted this bill passed so that they wouldn't have to put up with the lone protester.
Sanctimoneous bunch of cowards - in effect pass a bill to stop one person

11:59 am  

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